How to apply a pricelist in the Zuper web app?

How to apply a pricelist in the Zuper web app?

Applying a pricelist in Zuper ensures consistent pricing across various modules, such as customers, organizations, properties, quotes, invoices, jobs, contracts, and proposals.   
  1. Go to the module where you want to apply the pricelist, such as Customers, Organizations, Properties, Quotes, Invoices, Jobs, Proposals, or Contracts
  2. Choose the specific customer, organization, or transaction to which you want to apply the pricelist or create a new one. 
For Customers/Organizations/Property: 
When you associate a pricelist with an organization, customer, or property, you set a default pricing framework for future transactions involving these entities. This ensures that whenever you initiate a transaction, such as creating a quote, invoice, job, or contract, the associated pricelist will be applied. 
Note: The pricelist associated with properties takes priority, followed by customers, and then organizations. If a property's pricelist isn't specified, the system defaults to the customer's pricelist. 

Clients --> Customers  --> + New Customer| Edit Customer   
Clients --> Organizations  --> + New Organization | Edit Organization            
Clients --> Properties  --> + New Property | Edit Property             
 Accounting--> Quotations  --> + New Quotation | Edit Quotation            
Accounting--> Invoices --> + New Invoice | Edit Invoice
Accounting--> Proposals --> + New Proposal | Edit Proposal
Jobs--> Create  --> + New Job | Edit Job  

 On the “Customer,” “Organization,” or “Property” details page, in the “Pricelist” field, select the desired pricelist from the “Pricelist” field. 
  1. Customer 

  2. Organization 
  3. Property 
 For Transactions (Quotes, Invoices, Jobs, Contracts, Proposal): 
By default, the pricelist associated with Customer/Organization/Property is applied when creating or editing a quote, invoice, job, proposal, or contract. If needed, you can manually select a different pricelist in the “Pricelist” field within the “Parts & Services” sub-section to suit specific transactions.  
Note: When you first select a customer and adjust pricing, selecting a different customer afterward will override the pricing based on the newly selected customer's Pricelist. 
  1. Quote 
  2. Proposal 
  3.  Contract
  1.  Job

 When applying a pricelist to your transactions, any discounts you set at the transaction level will persist. However, these discounts will be applied to the selling price determined by the pricelist. This ensures that your pricing calculations remain accurate and that you can apply customized discounts as needed. 
And there you have it! By following the straightforward instructions outlined above, you can effortlessly apply pricelists to your customers, organizations, properties, and transactions within Zuper.  

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