How to access and manage property details in the Zuper web app?

How to access and manage property details in the Zuper web app?

The Property details page allows you to view the complete information of the property and all its associated records in a single place. 

1. Select the "Clients" module from the left navigation menu and click the "Properties" Module. 

2. Click the Property to view the property details.  

3. The property details have a three-column layout with information & actions available in each pane for quick access.
1. Left Pane - The quick action and various sections. 
2. Center Pane - The left pane details are viewed in the center pane. 
3. Right Pane - The right pane will have the other module-associated details. 



Left Pane:

The Left pane contains the Property-related details. Following this information, you can notice the quick actions bar, which offers you contextual action buttons such as mail your property and add notes. 

 Below the quick actions bar, you can find the property details, notes, jobs, and activity. 

Quick Actions:

1. Click the "+ New" button to create a new Job from the properties module. 

2. Click the "+ Add Note" button to create a new note. 

Property Notes are comments or information that are added to an properties module over its course. These notes add more context to the Property. Your notes can be anything ranging from a simple text reminder to an image of the item service and video or document. All added notes can be viewed under the Notes Section in the left pane of the Property Details Page. 

1. Click the "+Add Note" to add the notes. You can use the rich text editor to enter the note details. 

Attach Fields - Image, Audio, Video, and Document – You can add various multimedia files. Use the “+” option to associate the notes with other modules such as customer, property, etc,

Tax Details:

You can choose either "Tax Exempt" or "Taxable."

In case the option is Taxable, tax will be added. If the option is Tax Exemption, the tax will not be added. 

2. Note Visibility:

·       Internal (Default) – This privacy setting will help you make the note visible to all your Zuper users in your account.

·       Private – This note is visible only to the user who created the note.

·       Public - This privacy setting will help you make the note public to all, including the Property.  

You can see the Property module associated with the notes. Click the "Post Note" button to post the notes. 

3.  The note is created successfully. 

4. You can sort the notes based on the newest or oldest. 

Property Details

1. Select the "Details" section to view all the property-related details that cover Primary Details and Other Details (This will have property-specific custom fields). 

2. Select the "Notes" section to view all the notes created for the property. You can also create new notes and manage them. 
You can change the "Notes Privacy, Edit Note, and Delete Note."

Note: The edit and delete options are available only for the user who created the note. 

3. Select the "Jobs" section to view all the associated Jobs with the property. 
Note: You can click the "Job Title" or "Job No." to view the job in detail. 

4. Select the "Activity" view the logs specific to the property module. 

Right Pane

The right pane contains the other module details that are interlinked with the property module. 

Add Users to the Property:

1. Click the "+" icon next to the "Users Assigned" to create and associate the property. 

2. The "Edit Property Assignment" side panel appears, From the "Teams" section, Click the  icon to add the user. 

3. Once the "Users" are assigned, click the "Update" button. 

3.  The new user is linked to the property successfully. 

Add Organizations to the Property

1. Click the "+" icon next to the "Organization Associated" to create and associate the property. 

2. The "Choose Organization" side panel appears, From the "Existing Organization" section, Select the "Organization to add the organization. 
Note: If you want to create a new organization, click "New Organization" button. 

3.  The new property is linked successfully. 

Add Customers to the Property

1. Click the "+" icon next to the "Customer Associated" to create and associate the property. 

2. The "Choose Customer" side panel appears. From the "Existing Customer" section, select the "Customer"  to add the customer. 
Note: If you want to create a new customer, click "New Customer" button. 

3.  The new customer is linked successfully. 

Associate Properties to the Parent Property

1. Click the "+" icon next to the "Parent Property" to create and associate the property. 

2. The "Choose Property" side panel appears. From the "Existing Property" section, select the "Property."
Note: If you want to create a new property, click "New Property" button. 

3.  The new customer is linked successfully. 

More Associations

You can view the more associations to the properties. 

More Actions

Under the More Actions section, you can perform various actions, such as:
Edit Property, Deactivate/Activate. 

Edit Property

1. Click the "Edit Property" button to edit the property details. 

Click the "Update Property" button to edit the property details. 

3. The property is successfully updated. 

Deactivate Property

You can deactivate the property temporarily, and later, you can activate them. 

1. Click the "Deactivate Property" button to deactivate the property details. 

2. A "Deactivate Property" pop-up appears. Click the "Deactivate" button to deactivate the property. 

3. The property is successfully updated. 

Note: Once you deactivate the property, you will get an option to either delete or re-activate the property again. 

After the new property creation or when you need to modify the existing property details, you can perform many major actions from the property details page. 

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